This is the documentation for version 1.0. Please consider upgrading your code to the latest stable version

Configuration Schemas

A “schema” defines the exact structure of arrays, keys, and values that users can configure. By using a schema, you can:

This library includes the nette/schema package to define and process the schemas. You use their Expect class to define the schemas, passing those into our library which handles all of the processing for you. You can find some example of that below, but we highly recommending reading their documentation for complete details on all the options available to you.


use League\Config\Configuration;
use Nette\Schema\Expect;

// Define your configuration schema
$config = new Configuration([
    'debug_mode' => Expect::bool(),
    'database' => Expect::structure([
        'driver' => Expect::anyOf('mysql', 'postgresql', 'sqlite')->required(),
        'host' => Expect::string()->default('localhost'),
        'port' => Expect::int()->min(1)->max(65535),
        'ssl' => Expect::bool(),
        'database' => Expect::string()->required(),
        'username' => Expect::string()->required(),
        'password' => Expect::string()->nullable(),
    'logging' => Expect::structure([
        'enabled' => Expect::bool()->default($_ENV['DEBUG'] == true),
        'file' => Expect::string()->deprecated("use logging.path instead"),
        'path' => Expect::string()->assert(function ($path) { return \is_writeable($path); })->required(),

Tip: By default, nette/schema assumes that nested options (Expect::structure) will be cast to stdClass objects, but we automatically cast those to array instead, so don’t worry about doing that yourself.

Merging Schemas

You might have different systems or components that define their own schemas:

use Nette\Schema\Expect;use Nette\Schema\Schema;

class DatabaseConnection
    public static function getSchema(): Schema
        return Expect::structure([
            'driver' => Expect::anyOf('mysql', 'postgresql', 'sqlite')->required(),
            'host' => Expect::string()->default('localhost'),
            'port' => Expect::int()->min(1)->max(65535),
            'ssl' => Expect::bool(),
            'database' => Expect::string()->required(),
            'username' => Expect::string()->required(),
            'password' => Expect::string()->nullable(),

class Logger
    public static function getSchema(): Schema
        return Expect::structure([
            'enabled' => Expect::bool()->default($_ENV['DEBUG'] == true),
            'file' => Expect::string()->deprecated("use logging.path instead"),
            'path' => Expect::string()->assert(function ($path) { return \is_writeable($path); })->required(),

You can combine these into a single Configuration using the constructor and/or the addSchema() method. All three examples in the snippet below will achieve the same result:

use League\Config\Configuration;

$config = new Configuration([
    'database' => DatabaseConnection::getSchema(),
    'logging' => Logger::getSchema(),

// or

$config = new Configuration([
    'database' => DatabaseConnection::getSchema(),

$config->addSchema('logging', Logger::getSchema());

// or

$config = new Configuration();
$config->addSchema('database', DatabaseConnection::getSchema());
$config->addSchema('logging', Logger::getSchema());

Schema Types

See the nette/schema documentation for full details on the different Expect options you can use to define different types of schemas.

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